Sunday, February 10, 2013


A compilation of many years of listening, counseling and living, fasten your seat belt and take this crazy ride with me...just tryin' something different.

photo serenity on the pacific coast; tim pettiford
Free your mind and joy will follow. Release that pain that lingers from the past, release those thoughts of rage; release the feelings of inadequacy, feelings of guilt and shame. “I wish I had”, “if I had only”, “I should have” will imprison you, will hinder and bind you; release! Release the memories of the teasing, the embarrassments that you should never dare to own, the thoughts of someone invading your space, your self, invading YOU; release!
Release the anger, hatred, rage, malice, envy, coveting, despair from not getting what you desire to have; STOP take a deep breath and release! So you could have, should have, would have, hmmm let it go; release! That decision, those choices, right / wrong; sigh, take deep breath and release! Let it go, let him go, let her go…LET IT ALL GO; release! I am too tall, I’m too short, fat, ugly, wrong color, bald, bad hair…SCREAM; release!

photo san francisco sunset; tim pettiford
San Francisco Sunset
“My life is worthless”, "what’s the use", "we are all going to die", "I have no future", "I don't matter"; negative, neg-a-tive, n-e-g-a-t-i-v-e, destroying me; release! What does it all mean, who is that staring at me in the mirror, do I know who you are? Change, changes, changing always changing, I cannot take it or CAN I? You dare compare ME to what to whom, I AM unique, I AM ME, not some clone or droid, not your puppet that dangles from strings that...who controls the strings? snip snip; release. Delete, erase, shred, GONE; release!

I am FREE to be ME, not who you say I should be, I am me free to be what I decide to be, I AM ME! Can’t accept then BYE, I am setting myself FREE to be ME. I make ME who I AM, I decide how I will feel and for how long, I decide! I have the key to set ME free. Journey through MY thoughts, journey through MY mind, journey inside of ME…I love ME! YES, I love ME! Drugs, alcohol, my pimps (job, house, things), pseudo-masters, boss, you are excused; GO…just walk away ‘cuz I’m free, won’t let nothing control ME!

I give myself permission to BE ME; FREE!

JOY is here!

Now how do you feel, are you free? Give me your thoughts, your feelings, but please be nice.

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